Smile Action Project 8.0 has been carried out successfully!
This time, we have chosen 3 centres for SAT 8.0 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. There are 1000 patients have been treated by our volunteer dentists who are the community members from the Educating Center for Community (ECC) run by Savorn, Chong Kneas Primary School kids, Phumo Primary School kids and villagers and lastly we additionally visited another centre called Lvea International Language School in the outskirt of Siem Reap province.
The big family of SAT8.0 volunteers!!
Front (From Left):
Jack Chua, Stephanie Liew, Sophia Ang, Dr. Lau Hoon Way, Dr. Patrick Sia, Narub, Pagna, Candy Cheah Wan Theng, Mak Lai Fan, Choy Kim Lee
Second row (From Left):
Mr. Driver, Wong Kah Kit, Michelle Hon, Wong Siew Yee, Dr. Chew Quin Leng, Hong Li Li, Grace Ong, Dr. Wah Wan Xai, Dr. Peng Sovannarith, Elize Lim, Varn, Yap Lian Ching
Last row (From Left):
Uncle Keong, Riem, Clement David Leong, Uncle Heng, Uncle Hai
First Station:
We came back to this school compound again (about 3km from Siem Reap Town) to treat new patients from ECC. Of course we took the opportunity to review the students from this school whom we have visited earlier this year.
Since we are familiar with this school, we set up the equipments (dental chairs, instruments, electricity connection, registration counters and so on) very quickly.
We began our treatment with the following flows:
First, patients are registered with their name, gender and age on a dated patient card. Secondly they are attending Oral Hygiene Instruction (OHI) session which we showed them the correct way of brushing teeth, good food to take and bad food to avoid. Thirdly, toothbrush and toothpaste are distributed to the children, they are brought to brush teeth nearby the treatment room and with the source of water. Next, they will be sent to the waiting area to be called and lastly they will see the dentists.
The vans, filled with dental equipments, mobile units, instruments and many other stuffs.
The teacher of the class are helping to register their students for dental treatment.
Learn some Khmer:
What is your name: Chmoh vai?
How old are you: Ayuk Man?
Numbers Usually they will answer: __numbers__ Chenam (years old, I guess)
1 - Mui
2 - Pee
3 - Pai
4 - Boun
5 - Phram
6 - Phram Mui
7 - Phram Pee
8 - Phram Pai
9 - Phram Boun
10 - Dop
11- Dop Mui
and so on
Happy Toothbrush and Oral Hygiene Instruction session with the children.
Challenge: To teach OHI in little Khmer and English, with the help of translator, to ensure the kids understood what we are talking about!
Registered kids with their patient cards, waiting in front of the treatment room.

Lastly: Meet our dentists, dental assistants, and our mobile dental units!
The treatment room, everyone is very busy like in a battle field!
Second Station
Next, we packed everything into the van and travelled to a school that is on the way to Tonle Sap. We have been contacted by a teacher, under AHCO, who introduced us to visit the children here.
Chong Kneas Primary School, along the way to Tonle Sap, is a floating school on a lake.
This is the extraordinary floating school on the way to Tonle Sap! This school has just been built in early of this year. It is next to a community hospital supported by the United States.
Initially we wanted to borrow the space of the hospital, however, the request was rejected. Therefore, we move all the equipments from vans into the hall of this floating school (on the second floor) by forming a line to pass stuffs around.
Forming a line and pass equipments from one end to the other. It works faster and save energy!
The curious kids. What are they looking at?
For more stories of the coming centres?
We will tell you more in the next post!*If you wish to be our volunteers, please sign up the volunteer form that is available on this website.
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The Smile Action Team Malaysia is an NGO that solely run on donation basis. We need your support and donations to keep this project in order to reach out to more children in the rural area.
You may send your cheque or bank in to:
Pertubuhan Pasukan Senyuman Malaysia
Public Bank Account: 3173 4787 07
Kindly send your scanned bank-in slip/proof of record to and 012-6213798.
Thank you!